Aug 262009
Singer 7466 (7467) Auto Tension 70 / 120 Stitch Computer Sewing Machine, + Singer 14SH654 3 & 4 Thread FREEARM Overlock Serger Combo

Singer 7466 (7467) Auto Tension 70 / 120 Stitch Computer
Sewing Machine, + Singer 14SH654 3 & 4 Thread Free-Arm
Overlock Serger Combo

COMBO NO LONGER AVAILABLE – Check out the Singer 7466 (7467) Computerized Sewing Machine and the Singer 14SH654 Serger Separately.

We found the Singer 7467 at

Check out the Singer 14SH6540 Differential-Feed Serger Sewing Machine at

Check out the Yamata FN14UAD (like Singer 14SH654) 3 & 4 Thread FREEARM Overlock Serger, Feiyue FN 14U AD, Roll Hem, Differential Feed, Safety Door – FREE 100 Needles at

When comparing prices, always take into consideration the cost of shipping because the weight can add a considerable amount to the total cost. Oftentimes, Allbrands and Amazon will offer free shipping to the contiguous U.S. states.

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